Saturday, July 11, 2009

Jedi Drinking Song

This song performed by the Austin-based celtic band Brobdingnagian Bards describes the intoxicated adventures of Luke Skywalker. Here’s a sample of the lyrics:

A long time ago, in a pub far away,
I sat on a barstool, just drinking away,
I couldn’t hold it down, I guess I had too much
I felt a tremor in the force and then I lost my lunch
I woke up in a desert land, feeling hot and sick,
I saw a bearded man, he looked like some kind of hick,
He slowly waved his hand, and my pain was gone
He said let’s go see Yoda, and I’ll teach you this song.

So we got on a starship, and flew off into space
He said his name was Obi-Wan and there is no time to waste,
I have to get you trained before it is too late,
He said drink this bottle of whisky, and don’t give in to hate.
My training went on, and I’d drank most of the bar
We stopped for supplies on the nearest Death Star
I learned to control my fear, and hold my alcohol
Soon I was able to stand even when Obi-Wan would fall.

Video by YouTube user MJG74, Via: Topless Robot, Via: Neatorama

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