Friday, March 07, 2008

Baby Can Read!

Elizabeth Barrett looks like any other 17-month-old babies, with one exception: she can read!

Her mother Katy, a speech pathologist who is married to Michael, another speech pathologist, said that most people don’t believe their infant is a reader.

"The joke is that since we see kids with language problems, we think anybody with normal language skills is a genius. But as time goes on, it’s harder to deny that she’s exceptional," said Katy. […]

Elizabeth talks like she’s 1, but she reads like she’s 7.

So what does her doctor think? Dr. Steve Stripling, Elizabeth’s pediatrician, says at 14 months he saw her sight read the word avocado. "I was floored", he said.

This is amazing, you need to watch the video.

Link (with video), Via: Neatorama

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