Sunday, December 20, 2009

I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus - 1952 - MVI

At 13 Jimmy boyd recorded this song at the urging of Columbia records. Little did they know how popular ir would become in the comming years until it blossomed into the Chirstmas classic we know today. Jimmy boyd passed away this year at the age of 70. Born dirt poor in the south his singing ablity kept him fed until he signed onto columbia. After hearing this song from the original 78 RPM you can tell how modern reissues fai to capture the original recording. I can;t tell the last time i could hear Jimmy Beathing between his pharses. I did minimum sound flitering i supect that modern reissues use the wrong EQ and is heavily compresses :(. But here it is in its original glory. LINK: Youtube

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