Thursday, December 03, 2009

World's first fire-powered lava lamp

'If you buy my lamps, you won't need to buy drugs' said Edward Craven-Walker, inventor of the lava lamp and founder of lava lamp purveyor Mathmos.

The psychedelic, hypnotic, addictive nature of lava lamps may go some way to explaining why they exploded in the 60s and 70s, and are still popular with students today.

Mathmos' designers have been continuously tweaking and updating the original 1963 lamp, and their latest offering is a world first - a fire-powered lava lamp.

The new Fireflow lava lamp range features two new styles, each in a variety of colours, but instead of plugging them into the mains you simply slot a humble tea light in the bottom and sit back to watch the fluorescent melted wax float around inside.

Both lamps are available from the Mathmos website.

Link, Via: Neatorama

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