Friday, January 08, 2010

Legless Paratrooper

"After losing both his legs to a terrorist bomb, paratrooper Alistair Hodgson begged a comrade to put an end to his misery. Yet that horrific incident 17 years ago started an incredible journey which has led him to become one of the world’s best skydivers. The 39-year-old is the British National Freestyle Skydiving Champion and in August will compete against able-bodied sportsmen and women for the world title. His remarkable story has echoes of Douglas Bader, the World War II pilot whose feats were described in the book and film Reach For The Sky after he returned to flying despite losing both legs in an air crash. And he hopes it will bring hope to soldiers left paralysed and limbless while fighting in Afghanistan. ”If I can inspire just one other person to lift themselves out of that same dark place I was in – train for the Paralympics in 2012 or something, then it’s worth it,’ he said.” LINK

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