Sunday, June 13, 2010

Scientists Take Pictures of Antarctic Mountain Range for the First Time

The Gamburtsev Mountains in Antarctica, named after Soviet geophysicist Grigoriy Gamburtsev, lie beneath a mile of solid ice. Scientists have known about their general location for a while, but only recently were able to take pictures of them:

The images are the result of radar technology, and reveal a dramatic landscape of rocky summits, deep river valleys, and liquid, not frozen, lakes, all hidden beneath the ice. The range itself rivals the Alps in size and cover an area that is roughly the size of New York State.

“What we’d shown before was an estimate based on gravity data — a little bit of a coarse resolution tool,” said Robin Bell, a senior research scientist at Columbia’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in New York. “What we showed at this meeting was the radar data. It’s like going from using a big, fat sharpie to using a fine-tipped pencil.”

Link, Via: TigerHawk | Image: NewsDesk, Via: Neatorama

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