Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Coolest Steampunk Gadgets

Steampunk is a speculative intersection of technology and romance where the future meets the past: Victorian era inventions clash with often dark alternate realities. What started as a literary genre has since evolved into an amazing urban art form which delights in making real-life inventions that are a blend of the modern and anachronistic.

Yes! A steampunk toilet, created by Patrick Brawley — the “antique toilet of the future.” Awesome! It boasts a control panel and laser pointing mechanism. The perfect throne for any steampunk king or queen.

Introducing the Electro-Flush! Technically, TeslaPunk Urinal. Hand-made solid oak tank with battery powered flush pump, laser aiming assist (aim at the laser dot in the bowl at night), lights, antique gauges, flush capacitor, and cup holder. Bowl is a round 1949 Standard. Featured at LINK, Via: Youtube

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