Sunday, February 28, 2010

Boozy chimp sent to rehab

A Russian chimpanzee has been sent to rehab by zookeepers to cure the smoking and beer-drinking habits he has picked up.

An ex-performer, Zhora became aggressive at his circus and was transferred to a zoo in the southern Russian city of Rostov, where he fathered several baby chimps, learned to draw with markers and picked up his two vices.

"The beer and cigarettes were ruining him. He would pester passers-by for booze," the Komsomolskaya Pravda paper said.

It added he has now been transferred to the city of Kazan, about 800 km (500 miles) east of Moscow, for rehabilitation treatment. LINK

Olympic Pictograms

Youtube Link

Designer Steven Heller gives an overview and critique of Olympic pictograms used over the past 74 years for the New York Times. When you only see these every few years, you don’t realize how different they are for each Olympiad. -Via: The Presurfer, Via: Neatorama

Cat Lift

You know how people help their cats to reach upper floors by installing cat ladders? Those can’t hold a candle to this cat-operated automatic feline elevator!

The more comfortable way to get into the garden...
The elevator is fully operated by the cat.
the cabin is fitted with an infrared catflap, only the domestic cat has access.

LINK, Via: Neatorama, Via: Youtube

Cardini's Sleight of Hand

YouTube link.

After an introduction by Ernie Kovacs, Richard Valentine Pitchford (“Cardini”) performs the “intoxicated English gentleman” routine that made him famous. This recording from the “Festival of Magic” television program in 1957 is the only known footage of Cardini in action. He reportedly developed his ability to manipulate cards with gloved hands by practicing while in the trenches during WWI.

Via: Professor Hex, Via: Neatorama

Tilt-Shift Video about a Day in New York City

(Video Link)

Original Music: composed by Human, co-written by Rosi Golan and Alex Wong.

The Sandpit is a video composed of 35,000 tilt-shift photographs taken in New York City. Director Sam O’Hare wrote about this project.

Via: Bits & Pieces | About the Film

Motorized Lego Technic Avatar Helicopter is Grounded—For Now

Give this Lego Avatar helicopter a few aerodynamic tweaks, a slightly more powerful engine and a pilot spouting off canned, predictable dialogue, and I could easily see it taking flight, literally, to fight the Na'Vi.

Scale model of the Battle Helicopter form James Cameron's Avatar.
Made for a LEGO building competition.

Looks pretty sturdy too, which is incredibly important should the pilot happen to have a James Cameron-sized ego. [Nowhere Else, Via: CrunchGear], Via: Gizmodo, Via: Youtube

A little something from Santa Sal

Salvador Dali gives a kid an apple in Paris, December 26, 1970.

Below, “Childhood Memories of Christmas”, with a detail beneath. LINK

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Its A Stoners Life

The world's oldest living potheads tell all in the shortest documentary on earth! These are the people Reefer Madness warned you about. LINK: Youtube

Met a few of them. LOL

RIP: Bob "The Bullet" Biniak, legendary skater and original Z-Boy

Photographer Glen E. Friedman remembers Bob "The Bullet" Biniak, a hero in the early days of skate culture who was a member of the original "Z-Boys" team. Biniak suffered a massive cardiac arrest on Sunday, and passed away Thursday at 12:51pm EST in Florida.

In detail information on Bob at this LINK.

Sad Country Songs- Whiskey Lullaby

This is, in my opinion, one of the greatest sad songs of country music. LINK: Youtube

Forrest Gump- Man of My Word

Not knocking all men but this is rare. LINK: Youtube

World's Largest Solar-Powered Boat

PlanetSolar is a boat powered entirely through solar energy. At 31 meters long and 15 wide, it’s the largest in the world:

The 60 tonne catamaran (or is that trimaran?) has cost 18 million euro ($24.4 million USD) to create at the Knierim Yacht Club in Kiel in northern Germany and will be launched waterside next month with sea trials due between June and September. To achieve to full photovoltaic capture there are solar covered flaps that are extended at the stern and amidships.

SunPower has provided approximately 38,000 of their next generation all black photovoltaic cells, an efficiency of at least 22%, which they believe to be the highest efficiency solar cells commercially available. Maybe it’s buried somewhere on the PlanetSolar site, but I missed what storage medium the boat will use once it has harnessed the sun’s energy.

Link | Photogallery | Photo: Christian Charisius/Reuters, Via: Neatorama

Friday, February 26, 2010

Huge Wallpaper Gallery

Is it time for fresh wallpaper for your computer? Ayesee’s imgur page has 188 fantastic, clever and cute backgrounds to choose from. Clockwise from top left- classic spiral galaxy, HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey, The mischievous pedobear is watching you, and Domo-kun stomp city.

Link,-Via: Twisted Sifter, Via: Neatorama

Alien Sculpture from 1,200 Pounds of Motorcycle Steel

Robosteel is a Dublin-based art studio that builds frightening-looking sculptures out of scrap metal. Pictured above is one in the image of the alien queen from the movie Alien, made from 1,200 pounds of Yamaha motorcycle parts. The artists assert that their inspiration is a simple Picasso sculpture:

Picasso’s sculpture of the bicycle saddle and a handlebar was the first example of a work made from everyday things, using junk or scrap. Like other of Picasso’s firsts this work opened up new possibilities for artists. In this instance – sculptors, who for centuries had employed traditional materials such as stone or wood now instead, many of them began to incorporate junk materials into their work (known as assemblages) or fashion new objects from them. The works are a great example of the inventive genius of Picasso and the ultimate inspiration for RoboSteel.

Link, Via: DVICE, Via: Neatorama

What Your Face Reveals About Your Health

What do you see when you look in the mirror? According to Chinese medicine, your face is a window to your health. Your forehead, nose, chin, right cheek, left cheek: each of these five face zones gives you clues to what is going on inside your body - if you know what to look for. LINK

Decode what your face reveals about you.

Future Of Transportation: Concept Cars Of Yesterday

The auto industry's finest creatives can always be counted on to give an interesting vision of the future of transportation. Here is a look back in time at these concept cars of yesteryear. Via: The Presurfer

War On Two Wheels: The Motorcycles Of World War II

A World War is no place for half-ass machinery, and motorcycles are no exception. The bikes our grandfathers rode while in the service were not only incredibly functional, but also some of the most stylish vehicles around. LINK

Here is a look at the gnarly motorcycles of World War II.

The Seed

An animation by Johnny Kelly. A two-minute animated voyage through nature's life cycle, following the trials and tribulations of a humble apple seed.

(Via: Everlasting Blort), Via: The Presurfer, Via: Youtube

Beautiful Bridges

image credit

All over the world, bridges serve as connectors over valleys, bodies of water and many other things. Womand's Day wanted to recognize the biggest and the best standing, those magnificent in both structure and design.

From China's unique spiraled Nanpu Bridge to Turkey's continent-linking Bosphorus Bridge, have a look at these 16 impressive bridges. LINK: The Presurfer

Future Mechanic

In the future anyone can be one... Wouldn"t that be nice. LINK, Via: Youtube

Most Valuable Comic Books In The World

This week a copy of the first comic to feature caped hero Superman has been sold on the internet for $1,000,000.

Here's a list of the top 10 most valuable comic books in the world. LINK


This book started as a personal project in summer 2007, and was soon published from a Japanese bookstore "Utrecht". It's a flipbook, but rather than seeing animation, it creates a 3D rainbow in your hand. Since being published it has been featured on Japanese TV, Newspapers, major news & blogsites like yahoo news, coolhunting and fffffound. This book won this years NY ADC silver cube. LINK

Shoes made out of recycled TVs

These kinda-cute pumps by vegan shoemaker Olsenhaus are made from polyester microfiber extracted from old analog TVs.

(Via: Ecouterre), Via: Boingboing

Skiing Blind

The final day of the Winter Olympics this Sunday has only two events: the gold medal men’s hockey game and the 50km cross-country skiing race. Brian McKeever will be skiing for Canada. This race will make him the first Olympian ever to participate in both the Winter Olympics and Paralympics in the same year. McKeever is legally blind.

In 1998, McKeever was a promising 19-year-old skier when he was diagnosed with Stargardt’s disease, a type of juvenile macular degeneration that gradually leads to blindness. Twelve years later, McKeever only has 10 percent of his vision, and that tiny fraction is in his peripheral vision.

Rather than rolling over when he lost his sight, though, McKeever got back on his skis.

Read about how McKeever does it at mental_floss. Link, Via: Neatorama

Excel as Illustrator

We have seen Microsoft Excel used as a drawing tool before, but not like this. YouTube user and artist shukei01 put this time-lapse video together that shows almost 13 hours of work. ”Autoshape can be used to do lineart, colors, shadows, lighting effects and layers, like some drawing software.” LINK, Via: Youtube

Black Penguin

Photo: Andrew Evans

National Geographic Traveler contributing editor Andrew Evans (@Bus2Antarctica) snapped this photo of a rare black penguin during his travels around the world to Antarctica.

He wrote that it’s a "rare melanistic trait that’s practically undocumented" on king penguins. LINK

Trees Growing Around Objects

image credit

When a tree is growing, and it encounters something that gets in the way of it's growth, it can do three things: stop growing, grow away from it, or grow around it. Is it possible there are items entirely consumed by trees that we don't know about?

Here are 22 examples of trees simply absorbing obstacles. LINK

Thursday, February 25, 2010


The Codeorgan analyses the 'body' content of a web site and translates that content into music. The Codeorgan uses a complex algorithm to define the key, synth style, and drum pattern most appropriate to the page content.

What does your web site sound like? Via: The Presurfer

15 House Plants You Can Use As Air Purifiers

A NASA research document came to the conclusion that 'house plants can purify and rejuvenate air within our houses and workplaces, safeguarding us all from any side effects connected with prevalent toxins such as formaldehyde, ammonia and also benzene.'

Here are 15 plants that could clean your air for just the price of a few drops of water each day. LINK: Presurfer

Lovely Examples Of Silhouette Photography

image credit

When the subject appears black while the light background is exposed correctly, silhouette photography can produce dramatic results. Here are some examples of silhouette photography. LINK: Presurfer

Drawing Illusion

Amazing, Via: Youtube

Labrador Retriever Awarded Britain's Highest Military Honor

Treo, a nine-year old Black Labrador Retriever who served in the British Army, was awarded the animal equivalent of the Victoria Cross. He’s repeatedly saved the lives of his comrades in Afghanistan:

Now he is being rewarded with the Dickin Medal – the animal equivalent of a Victoria Cross – the highest accolade for a military animal.[...]

Treo is the 63rd animal to receive the Dickin Medal – introduced in 1943 to honor the work of animals in war – and the 27th dog to receive the honor.

Since its introduction it has also been presented to 32 World War II messenger pigeons, three horses and one cat.

That one cat was Able Seacat Simon of the Royal Navy.

Link, Via: The Corner, Via: Neatorama

Decorating Cables Instead of Hiding Them

nstead of hiding dust-ball-hunting spaghetti cable monsters behind furniture, I've decided to embrace chaos and transform it. Actually, my wife has. These decorative cable clips seem perfect for it, and simpler than squiggling cords on the wall. [PA-Design, Via: Unplggd], Via: Gizmodo

My Solar System

This application will give you a lesson in how difficult it is to control the universe. Select how many planets you want and adjust their orbits and other parameters. Then set it in motion and watch your planets crash into each other or fly off into deep space. With some practice, you might get a real system going. Link -Via: J-Walk Blog, Via: Neatorama

Cash graffiti

"Assassination," by Joe D. There's a "Defaced Presidents" Flickr pool, and this website has selected 30 sweet examples of the craft. (Via: Eric Steuer), Via: Boingboing

Symphony of Science V: "The Poetry of Reality"

(YouTube Link)

We’ve previously featured the first video in John Boswell’s Symphony of Science autotuned music project. This video, the fifth and latest in the series, features Michael Shermer, Jacob Bronowski, Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Richard Dawkins, Jill Tarter, Lawrence Krauss, Richard Feynman, Brian Greene, Stephen Hawking, Carolyn Porco, and PZ Meyers.

Via: Geekologie | Official Website, Via: Neatorama

And Tesla the Twain Shall Meet

Mark Twain and Nikola Tesla: The most powerful of minds, and the best of friends. Here, a captivated Sam Clemens tests Tesla's inductively powered incandescent lamp. The mad scientist lurks in the background, like, well, a mad scientist.

It's not terribly surprising that the two men were friends, since they were both revered figures in Gilded Age New York City, but it's endlessly fascinating to read about how these two men came to be friends—essentially, as mutual fanboys.

There's also a lesson to modern day science and tech luminaries: spend your famous friend currency wisely. [TheOpenEnd]. Via: Gizmodo

Monday, February 22, 2010

Salvador Dali / Surrealism

A short tribute to great artist Salvador Dali.
Music by: Bernard Herrmann & Erik Satie/Aldo Ciccolini
Edited by Ric Warren. LINK: Youtube

Wide-Eyed Baby Elephant

“It’s scary enough taking your first steps in the world. But when a crowd is watching you, it can be even more frightening. That certainly seems to be the case for this three-week-old elephant calf ‘Baby’ making her first public appearance at Melbourne Zoo. She kept very close to her mother, narrowly avoiding being trampled on as she rolled on the ground. Then, to the delight of the zoo’s visitors, she had her first dip in the water. Her look of pure terror turned to delight as she sprayed her trunk, guaranteeing herself as the zoo’s prime attraction for years to come.” LINK,

Giant walking stick insect

“They’re masters of disguise and are so fascinating!” LINK, Via: Youtube

The Human Labrador

“This is HILARIOUS!!! It’s even more fun listening to the person filming it laughing! Hahahahahahaha!” LINK, Via: Youtube

Francis Tabary

"QUOTE" How could you not be spellbound by this cheeky French chappy, Francis Tabary. Anyone who “dedicates himself entirely to the creation of magic objects” is alright in my book, and his impossible sculptures are really quite special. Sha-zam. LINK

Leonard Greco

Really nice black ad white photographs from Leonard Greco, pictured is a great shot of French singer, songwriter Sebastien Tellier. LINK

Cabrini-Green - 660 W. Division Stop Motion Demolition

Stop motion animation of the demolition of 660 W. Division, one of the last remaining buildings within the Cabrini-Green housing projects in Chicago. Since late 1999, Chicago has been working to replace the old model of isolated low income residences with new, low rise, mixed income communities. LINK: Youtube

Rihanna I'm Back Official 2010 Leak

Rihanna feat Scape Scrilla-I'm Back. Official 2010 leak. LINK: Youtube

Rihanna - Redemption -- Song for Haiti

Rihanna - Redemption -- Song for Haiti [New Official 2010]. LINK: Youtube

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Will.I.Am - "I Like to Move It" Madagascar 2: Escape 2 Africa

In the summer of 2005, Madagascar scored big with both domestic and
international audiences, racking up more than half-a-billion at the worldwide box office,
making it the top family comedy of the year. Once the fancy-footed lion, a quick talking
zebra, an anxiety-ridden giraffe and a smart n saucy hippo were released into theaters
around the globe, these four New York friends—better known as Alex, Marty, Melman
and Gloria—became the most popular quartet of the season. LINK: Youtube

'Pretty' Pollution Photos Show Depths of Minnesota Lake's Environmental Distress

Mary Taffe lake pollution hades photo
Lifelong Minnesota resident Mary Taffe turned to art to document the algae blooms (pictured above) and other pollution that has been increasingly prominent in nearby Big Stone Lake over the past four years -- changes she believes are caused by increased factory farming activity in the area.

"The first changes began four years ago, when we saw the algae bloom so early and thick, we couldn't use the lake. This was around the time a factory dairy in the watershed ramped up to approximately 13,000 cows," Taffe says.

"We haven't used the lake for four full summers, but last summer, the smell became nearly intolerable and lasted for two and a half months because the prevailing winds blew the goop to our side of the lake. It sat there and cooked." LINK

Vintage photos of "The Empire That Was Russia"

Boing Boing entry on panoramic photos of power-plant control rooms.

"The Empire That Was Russia," showcasing the color(!) photography of Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii, taken in the years immediately preceding WWI.

Prokudin-Gorskii used a camera of his own design that took three photographs in rapid succession on a 9x3" glass plate; the images were shot through a red, green, and blue filter, respectively. After developing, a full-color image could be projected from the plate using a custom, three-part projection system.

The Empire That Was Russia, Via: Boingboing

The Raygun

A steampunk style lighter in the form of a retro raygun. Get the PDF for this project here: LINK: Youtube

David Archuleta - When You Believe - Final 7 - 04/15/2008

David Archuleta performs "When You Believe" by Mariah Carey during the Final Seven American Idol Episode on April 15th 2008. LINK: Youtube

The Hours - Ali In The Jungle Official Video

Official video for 'Ali In The Jungle' by The Hours created by Jonas Odell.
This track currently features in the Nike Human Chain advert. LINK: Youtube

I also posted the Nike video.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


From Lance Armstrong on his bike, to a six-year-old in China learning martial arts, movement is the universal language that connects us all. It's a language of beauty, drama, tragedy and triumph. And the road to athletic greatness is not marked by perfection, but the ability to constantly overcome adversity and failure.

"It's not how you start, it's how you finish. It's not where you're from, it's where you're at. Everybody gets knocked down, how quick are you going to get up?" LINK: Youtube

Tiger Woods talks: The day he said sorry for cheating

The disgraced golfer has tearfully apologised for his infidelity in a carefully stage-managed statement to camera. LINK: Youtube

Friday, February 19, 2010

Beautiful wooden clocks to build at home

Clayton Boyer makes incredible wooden clocks and clockworks, and sells the plans to build them -- you'll either need some leet woodworking skills, a CAD rig, a laser-cutter, or a lot of willingness to learn.

Clayton Boyer Clock Designs, Via: Boingboing

Aspiral Analog Clocks Use a Ball Instead of Hands

Aspiral Clocks don't use hands or digital displays, just a ball. The clock itself spins, driving the ball through a spiral until—every twelve hours—it disappears in a hole at the center. Confused? Here's a video: Via: Youtube

But for $545, it will probably only excite fans of Bill Halley. [It's Nice That], Via: Gizmodo


I made a post to my other blog that I will be adding a poem sometime tomorrow. If you care to check it out be sure to go to this link,

It is for both female or male. If you want to voice your opinion you can leave a comment below the poem.

The poem is now posted on the other blog if you care to check it out. 2/20/2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fix You by Coldplay, Tiger Awareness Video

This is a slideshow I put together to aware people about the endangerment of tigers. They are the third most endangered species of animals and we need to do something about it.
The Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species (T.I.G.E.R.S.) is educating people about animals and rescuing endangered animals. They are a great organization that does so much to help the earth.
In Myrtle Beach they have a reservation and a preservation station. The preservation station is a free live tiger exhibit which was made to fund raise for the Golden Tabby Tiger, the rarest cat on earth. LINK: Youtube

Tigers Playing in the Snow

Kids aren't the only ones to enjoy snow days. Tigers from The Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species play after a rare Myrtle Beach snow storm. LINK: Youtube

Beer Tasting at Brooklyn Brewery with Garrett Oliver ...

Gary travels to Brooklyn to visit with brewmaster Garrett Oliver, to taste some interesting beers. Gary and Garrett discuss the beer and wine industry and Garretts new book, The Brewmasters Table. LINK: Youtube

Drummer Boy - Debi Nova

Song and Album art for Drummer Boy by Debi Nova. LINK: Youtube

Exploding Cabinets

These highly unique and unusual cabinets provide a super impact in any room. Hand produced with stained maple. The top six cabinets must be wall mounted even if you wish to use the model as a united piece.” w/ photos. LINK

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2010 Sherco 290

Pat Smage's first few rides on the amazing RYP prepped 2010 Sherco 290. Footage shot in Arizona and California. Thanks to Ryan Young, Brad Baumert, Ron Lee, and Hannah Johnson. LINK: Youtube


Awesome BIG ISLAND waterfall on the nw side of the island. Kauai is an amazing island that must be visited. Sit back and enjoy! LINK: Youtube

Snowlapse 2010.wmv

Time lapse video of the Feruary 5-6 snowfall in DC. Nikon D200 set to make an exposure every 5 minutes. 328 frames at 12 fps. LINK: Youtube


dnb remix produced by LAB RAT 2010. LINK: Youtube

American Dynamics Flight Systems AD-150 VTOL UAV

American Dynamics Flight Systems video animation of its AD-150 vertical takeoff and landing unmanned aircraft. The tilt-duct design uses wingtip ducted fans, shaft-driven from the turboshaft engine in the fuselage, for vertical lft and forward propulsion. ADFS is conducting windtunnel and iron-bird rig tests hoping to interest the US Marine Corps in the AD-150 for its Group 4 expeditionary UAS requirement, formerlhy VUAS. LINK: Youtube

Selena Gomez & the Scene - "Naturally" - Dave Aude Remix

Selena Gomez & the Scene's music video for "Naturally" Dave Aude Remix. LINK: Youtube

Johnny Depp in Lego


Guitar Kitteh Uses Guitar For Free Scratches

Guitar Kitteh, who used a guitar as a scratching post while one of his servants (YouTube user FlashDams) was playing it. LINK: Neatorama, Via: Geekologie, Via: Youtube

Top 10 Types Of Tombstones To Die For

“Death may be the ultimate end but the persistence of memory demands its reward from the living. These ten drop dead gorgeous tombstones illustrate exquisitely detail the strength of the spirit to move the living once the dearly departed have themselves moved on.” w/ photos. LINK

Miniature Origami Artist

“Using only paper, scissors and tweezers, Teh, 23, painstakingly creates 3mm high animals and flowers. They are reckoned to be the smallest of their kind in the world. The architecture student, who has worked in England, first experi- mented with origami when she was nine, using sweet wrappers to create truly dinky toys. She now takes just 20 minutes to make them. ‘I believe my first attempt took me an hour, but later I have managed to fold one in about 20 minutes,’ she said. ‘It depends on my state of mind and how much practice I have had with a particular model, as the process is unique every time.” w/ photos. LINK

The photorealistic paintings of Glennray Tutor

( Quote ) Drawn! brought my attention to the paintings of Glennray Tutor.

It's easy to dismiss photo-realist work as an exercise in surface obsession, but Glennray Tutor, a Jedi warrior of the style, has to be admired for his dedication to what Yeats called 'the fascination with what's difficult.'

Glennray Tutor, Via: Boingboing

Boxee Integration App Lets Boxee and Windows 7 Media Center Play Nice

Windows 7 Media Center and Boxee each has its own strengths, and now the Boxee Integration App gives you access to both with minimal hassle.

It's a Windows Media Center plug-in that's simplicity itself to use. Just click on the Boxee option in the WMC main menu to close WMC and open Boxee, and when you're done watching your content just close out to automatically bring up WMC again. Even better: the switch can be made with your remote, so you never have to leave your La-Z-Boy.

You can get it as a free download now from here, but know that it's only compatible with Windows 7 and, sadness, won't work on your Xbox. [Boxee Integration App, Via: Lifehacker], Via: Gizmodo

Prince rehearsal tape from 1984

Video Link, via The Fader, where you can view 6 more videos from the same Prince and the Revolution 1984 rehearsal session. Dig 'em before The Man yanks 'em. LINK: Boingboing

Mardi Gras: Big Chief Bo Dollis, Wild Magnolias and Wild Red Flames

Video above: "Big Chief Bo Dollis on Mardi Gras 2008: Wild Magnolias and Wild Red Flames," Mardi Gras Indians, via Clayton Cubitt. Here's a related song by Professor Longhair. And more on the tradition. LINK: Boingboing, Via: Youtube

Saturday, February 13, 2010

7-Year Old Gina Marie Incandela’s National Anthem is ‘Magic’

7-year old autistic girl named Gina Marie Incandela singing the national anthem at an Orlando Magic game during their playoff series against the Boston Celtics. Talk about inspiration. This little girl has the type of powerful voice you would expect to be coming out of someone at least 3 times her age, and about 3 times her body weight at least.

Gina Marie was diagnosed with autism just before the age of 2. She could not even speak until she was 3 years old and now at age 7 she is singing National Anthems at professional sports games and concerts across the country. Her parents sent her to a school for kids with special needs as she had trouble forming words when attempting to speak. But her teachers at the school used music to help her with her language skills. I bet they had no idea what gift Gina had in store for them.

As for the Orlando Magic, it seems they are 4-0 now in games where Gina sings the national anthem. Maybe Rashard Lewis can donate some of his huge salary to Gina to become part of their official roster? LINK, Via: Youtube

This story and video touched my heart, In the last year we found out that my 7 year old grand daughter has autism. It brought tears to my eyes,

World’s Biggest Wine Bottle Goes To Auction

Top drop: Weighing in at 25kg and standing at 75cm high, the bottle towers over regular-size bottles of wine

For lovers of wine fine, quality drops don’t come much bigger than this 2006 bottle of Chateau Cheval Blanc. But those hoping to add it to their collection will need at least $4,900 – and a large wine cellar – because at 18litres it is significantly bigger than the 750ml bottle most people are used to. The large bottle, referred to as a melchior, is expected to fetch between $4,900 and $6,500 when it goes on sale as part of the Finest and Rarest Wines and Vintage Port auction at Sotheby’s next week. A Sotheby’s spokesman said it was ‘phenomenally rare’ to have a bottle of such a size, and even more unusual for it to be a Bordeaux wine. The melchior weighs in at 55 lbs, is 29 inches high with a circumference of 27 inches and contains enough wine to pour 144 glasses of wine.” LINK

Top 15 Dream Garages To Make A Man Drool

“Grandpa had his den. Dad had a dusty shed. Today’s men want more and want it within a few steps of the front door. From touchdown trophies to billiard balls, projection screens to personal pubs, every guy has a dream decor for his own private space. Growing numbers of men are shaping their sheds into grown-up playgrounds that are just for the boys.LINK

Coffee Can Clock

“This build is by Florinc from the Wise Time With Arduino blog. He though that a coffee can might make a great enclosure for an alarm clock. Lucky for us, this clock almost looks like a piece of art. It has these gigantic LEDs that are just so neat to have around. The electronics inside are based on the Wiseduino, an arduino clone with a real time clock on board. An LED matrix sits on top of it. Sounds pretty simple, right?” LINK, Via: Youtube

World’s Biggest Crab Is Still Growing

“With its enormous limbs and lethal claws, this monster of the deep is already the biggest crab ever seen in Britain. But astonishingly, the arthropod – which measures a staggering 10ft from claw to claw – is still growing, and could live until it is 100. Nicknamed ‘Crabzilla’ after the fictional giant monster, the Japanese Spider Crab has a body the size of a basketball and its legs can straddle a car. They will eventually measure a massive 15ft. The crab, called Macrocheira kaempferi in Latin, was caught by fishermen in the Pacific Ocean and has now been imported to Britain where it has gone on display at the National Sea Life Centre in Birmingham.” LINK

World's Smallest Playable Harmonica

In addition to being the world's smallest playable harmonica, the Little Lady also holds the distinction of being the first musical instrument played in space!

This miniature harmonica is fully playable, featuring a range of one whole octave. Boasting Hohner's legendary craftsmanship, the Little Lady's brass reeds and pearwood comb produce a full and lively sound.

Features a small brass loop for attaching to a keyring. Packaged in a black plastic carrying case. LINK, Via: Youtube

Snake Skeletons

The typical Ophidian skull is characterized by a solidly ossified brain-case, with the distinct frontals and the united parietals extending downwards to the basisphenoid, which is large and produced forward into a rostrum extending to the ethmoidal region. The nasal region is less completely ossified, and the paired nasals are often attached only at their base. The occipital condyle is either trilobate and formed by the basioccipital and the exoccipitals, or a simple knob formed by the basioccipital; the supraoccipital is excluded from the foramen magnum. The basioccipital may bear a strong, curved ventral process or hypapophysis, in the Vipers.” LINK

Frozen Estonia

“An Estonian waterfall has frozen creating a world of imagination.” LINK, Via: Youtube